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If the policeman had no proper lead for delaying him, then why did it happen in the first place? Jazwinski found himself growing unsettled and slightly afraid. This couldn’t be a meaningless investigation. He was certain that police officers could not stop people unless they had a proper reason to do so, and he was getting close to asking to be let go. He somehow felt that this officer would not let him drive off so easily.

Searching For Answers
A Spontaneous Cruise
Jazwinski sat with bated breath, anticipating the policeman’s response. A long time had passed since William had been stopped, and his fears were starting to turn into frustrations. This was a borderline abuse of authority, and William was beginning to consider reporting this officer. He was not a pushover, despite how polite and agreeable he tried to be in life. His bewilderment and eventual irritation were finally answered by the cop, a response that shocked him completely. It seemed completely unwarranted!

A Spontaneous Cruise