A Young Man’s Unexpected Encounter With the Police

Published on 03/24/2020

Relaying Gratitude

Just as the situation seemed to be reaching an unresolvable stage, the police officer’s expression and demeanor changed. It was as if all the tension had gone out of him. It was time for some answers and justifications, which William desperately needed from the unusual officer. There actually wasn’t anything suspicious about the stoppage, which then turned in the opposite direction. The policeman explained that he simply wished to express his gratitude for William’s “service”.

Relaying Gratitude

Relaying Gratitude


Completely Oblivious

William was unsure as to what type of service he was being appreciated for. Further, he searched his mind for the kind of service which deserved gratitude! Jazwinski now started feeling like he was in the Twilight Zone. He might have even preferred if he had been in trouble or broken some law, as he was now completely stumped as to what this police officer wanted from him. He needed to get out of the situation, and fast!

Completely Oblivious

Completely Oblivious