The Passage of Time
There was just no meaning to any of this. Prior to this event, Jazwinski had never had a problem with the law. His commitment to the rules of society caused him to become angry at the dramatic police intervention. Why should she be stopped by a policeman and be made to feel like a criminal when he had gone out of his way to do the right thing, time after time? Surely the officer had better things to do with his time…

The Passage Of Time
Panic Builds
Despite his frustrations, William was not about to act out. He knew that in situations like these, that it was best to be agreeable and polite, and not offend an officer. He had heard too many stories of people having their days ruined, and worse, after a police officer abused their power for a small offense. William was committed to agreeing to anything the officer told him. After parking his car on the pavement, it felt like time slowed to a halt while awaiting the policeman’s arrival.

Panic Builds