Truth Revealed
The policeman had managed to straighten up and dry his eyes, but he would soon find himself falling to pieces with sorrow once more. As the policeman broke down, he no longer had anything to hide from William. The policeman revealed to William that he looked a lot like his son, which is why he was stopped. William thought that he had understood the situation, but clearly, the police officer had an even more personal reason for the stop.

Truth Revealed
The Spitting Image
The policeman couldn’t hide the fact that William reminded him of his child so strongly, to the point where he actually confused William for his son. The police officer could not help himself, he had to stop William in any way that he could in that brief moment that he believed that the impossible might be happening. The cop simply couldn’t accept that his son had died. William was then compelled to embrace the policeman.

The Spitting Image