A Young Man’s Unexpected Encounter With the Police

Published on 03/24/2020

A Meaningful Exchange

William had been initially afraid when the police officer approached his car, as he was staring silently at him with such a strange expression. William believed that he was in trouble at first, but he would soon discover that he had been stopped by someone whose heart had been broken by a terrible loss. It was then that William was also moved to tears. Upon exiting his car, William immediately embraced the policeman. There they both stood, crying and holding each other.

A Meaningful Exchange

A Meaningful Exchange


The Kindness of Strangers

Following all of William’s trauma that he suffered on the battlefield, it was his honor to share this kind and empathic hug with the policeman. William realized that he needed the hug almost as badly as the police officer did. Despite the two only just having met, albeit, under strange circumstances, the embrace was loaded with meaning. Two strangers that were in need of love and understanding had been drawn together by fate and chance.

The Kindness Of Strangers

The Kindness Of Strangers