Flags of our Fathers
The policeman returned to his usual self, a little bit embarrassed, but thankful to William that he had been so kind and allowed him to share his experiences with him, even if it meant that William had to relive some that he was struggling with himself. The cop was almost about to let William go when he spotted a point of interest mounted on his vehicle’s dashboard. It was an American flag that had been purposefully folded.

Flags Of Our Fathers
Meaningful Exchanges
Throughout the funeral ceremony of an American soldier, one ritual is to obtain and fold a flag thirteen times to form a triangle, symbolizing all the service people who had passed. Each of the thirteen folds has a unique meaning. The first fold represents life, the second eternal life, the third honors the veteran that is being handed the flag as gratitude for their service, and so on. You can bet that this ceremony was a powerful one for William.

Meaningful Exchanges