Eye-Catching Item
Those that have ever witnessed an army funeral will know how significant and important the flag folding ceremony is, performed by the honor guards. This flag will be taken off a fallen soldier’s casket. Had William also lost someone significant in his life? The cop informed William that he noticed the folded flag, which commemorated those who had passed while serving. There was something significant to the cop’s noticing of this flag, a detail that only someone with keen eyes could notice.

Eye Catching Item
A Shared Possession
As soon as the policeman noticed the flag in William’s car, it reminded him of the same memento he himself kept inside his house. This particular flag was gifted to the policeman in remembrance of his son’s passing. This flag is one of the most significant and emotional ceremonial items that a person related to a fallen soldier can be given. The two men now seemed to have more in common than they had originally thought.

A Shared Possession