A Young Man’s Unexpected Encounter With the Police

Published on 03/24/2020

Remember the Fallen

The police officer had good reason for being so pushy. While he might have known that William would not be comfortable discussing certain topics, the police officer’s own emotional needs were also pressing. William’s hesitation melted with this saddening discovery. He would find himself shaken by the policeman’s revelation. William was sorely mistaken in thinking he had the situation figured out. Needless to say, William had no idea how his day would pan out prior to being pulled over.

Remember The Fallen

Remember The Fallen



The police officer finally apologized for being so invested in William’s situation, and was finally ready to reveal why he had been so curious. The policeman’s son tragically died while on tour. He didn’t catch the last plane out of Iraq, the policeman revealed to William while choking on emotion. William was devastated by this news, and everything fell into place in his mind clearly. It was now his turn to hear the policeman out.

