A Young Man’s Unexpected Encounter With the Police

Published on 03/24/2020

Life Goes On

William described his tour in Iraq, where he spent fifteen months operating within Fort Benning. These were some of the most intense but rewarding months of his life, where he gave his all to keep America safe and free. But all good things must come to an end, and this veteran was excited to begin the next chapter in his life. He was now ready to resume ordinary civilian existence, never guessing that he would be stopped for his service.

Life Goes On

Life Goes On


A Senseless Situation

Regardless of William’s wishes, the policeman was dedicated to his interest in William’s time within Iraq. Obviously, William was completely oblivious as to why the policeman was interrogating him so committedly regarding his service, causing him some anxiety. People do not generally question veterans this deeply, as there are many experiences that are difficult to speak about. While William did not think that the policeman would disrespect his privacy without good reason, there was clearly something that he desperately needed to know.

A Senseless Situation

A Senseless Situation