What Kind Of Concealed Weapon Made These Bullies Think Again?

Published on 06/09/2020

The Bullies Mark

For some unknown reason, Joey had been targeted by this group of ruffians to be hectored that day. Unbeknown to his father, this was not the first time they had picked on Joey in the park. They followed him around and tormented him before and after school no matter where he went. It seemed like Joey could not escape the bullies in public, no matter where he went. All his safe spaces had been discovered.

The Bullies Mark

The Bullies Mark


Tough And Courageous

Joey may not have thought that he could deal with the antagonizers but by ignoring their initial taunts, he was doing exactly the right thing. The group of boys continued to harass him and when they did not get the reaction they wanted, they got meaner. Unfortunately, teachers and parents will often encourage kids to simply ignore bullies. But while this tactic may work in some cases, bullies will stop at nothing to harass their victims until they get the reaction that they want.

Tough And Courageous

Tough And Courageous