A Boy In Need
Joey’s personality was benign and he did not like to involve other people in his troubles. He was of the opinion that this was his situation alone, and that he could not involve other people. The insolent boys knew this and perhaps that is why they targeted Joey in the first place as they knew he would not run for help easily. Witnesses to the daily torment thought these browbeaters were his friends and he did not outwardly show fear.

A Boy In Need
The Observer
Joey was not completely alone in this scary situation, but the people that were ‘on his side’ were able to do anything. Joey’s real friends at school were also intimidated by the boys and could not help him at school. Fear for their own safety meant that none of them told the teachers about the hassle that was getting worse every day. If any of them had noticed anything, they may have thought that the boys were playing a bit rough but would not have realized how serious it was.

The Observer