What Kind Of Concealed Weapon Made These Bullies Think Again?

Published on 06/09/2020

Time for Action

For a long time, he debated with himself about what action to take. All manner of methods cycled through his mind, from slightly unreasonable to completely unacceptable. He could not bear to see his son becoming more and more depressed each passing day. The time for action had come as he could no longer stand seeing his son in this state. After discarding many ideas, he came up with one that he thought would work.

Dont Do It

Time for Action


Why Joey?

Whilst making his plans, Joey’s dad realized that the people or person making his son’s life so miserable could be a teacher or other student as Joey was different at home, on weekends, and during vacations when he became his usual happy self. He had to form a different strategy for the possible different kinds of people possibly involved. Certainly, no one in his inner circle of family and trusted friends could be causing Joey such distress.

Why Joey

Why Joey