What Kind Of Concealed Weapon Made These Bullies Think Again?

Published on 06/09/2020

A Clue

As a dad, Joey’s father was determined to find out what was going on. After all, his child was coming home from school in tears most days and that was not normal. He still did not know the specifics of what was troubling his boy but knew that he needed to get to the bottom of this asap. That was when Joey’s dad decided that it was time to do some detective work. Even if it meant crossing some lines.

A Clue

A Clue


Digging For The Truth

As it turned out, Joey’s dad was shocked when he found out the extent of the torment his son was experiencing. To resolve the situation required drastic measures and he did not care if those methods were extreme or not. Someone was hurting his boy and he needed to deal with it. Many parents across the world have resorted to incredible measures to protect their children from harm. But what did Joey’s dad have in mind?

Digging For The Truth

Digging For The Truth