Her Ultrasound Revealed An Incredible Detail

Published on 07/26/2021

Trying To Explain It All

Keep in mind that Keely’s bizarre weight gain happened gradually over a period of years. So it was only when it was too late to do anything about it that Keely realized there was something serious happening. Keely tried her best to combat her phantom weight gain, but it was no good. She was getting larger and larger, and she was powerless to stop her belly from swelling to crazy proportions. Was she stuck in this body?

Trying To Explain It All

Trying To Explain It All


Unexplainable Mass

But Keely was not just getting bigger. Her arms and legs remained the same size, as did the rest of her body, save for her stomach. Keely did not look like someone who had trouble controlling their weight. Rather, she looked like your average mother-to-be, meaning that she appeared heavily pregnant. But beyond the size of her stomach, there was a perhaps even more concerning element to her shape. Her stomach felt strange to the touch.

Unexplainable Mass

Unexplainable Mass