Refused Service The Day Before, One Man Left Everyone Speechless When He Returned The Next Day

Published on 02/01/2021

The Mocking Continues

After having their fun, the pair turned their attention towards another patron on the other side of the bar. They proceeded to mock his mannerisms, showcasing their intolerance in full force and view of everyone else. Brittany realized that the couple didn’t have any respect for anyone in the restaurant, which made her wonder why they came there in the first place. Perhaps they were visitors from another town, looking for a bit of a break from their monotonous lives.

The Mocking Continues

The Mocking Continues


Roping Brittany In

If you thought that the couple would keep their vitriol to themselves, you would be wrong. When Brittany returned to the table to deliver their drinks, the pair asked her what she thought about one of the customers they were mocking earlier. They wondered why anybody like that would be allowed into the bar to begin with, and they hoped that she would join them in their quest to bring down anyone and everyone around them.

Roping Brittany In

Roping Brittany In