Refused Service The Day Before, One Man Left Everyone Speechless When He Returned The Next Day

Published on 02/01/2021

Keeping Things Professional

Even though she had noticed that the pair didn’t look all too thrilled, Brittany knew that she had to treat them like any other customers. She decided that she was going to be her charming self, and that she would even try to get one of them to crack a smile. As she approached them, the woman raised her nose, as if something smelly had just entered the room. After that, Brittany knew right away that these might be her most challenging customers ever.

Keeping Things Professional

Keeping Things Professional


Pointing And Laughing

After walking away from the table, Brittany overhead the pair laughing at one of the other customers in the restaurant. They were making fun of one of the locals, who happened to be one of the most loyal and friendly customers. This didn’t sit well with Brittany and she realised that she was dealing with people that clearly had very little consideration for people that might be a little different to them. If there was one thing she hated, it was intolerance.

Pointing And Laughing

Pointing And Laughing