A Young Man’s Unexpected Encounter With the Police

Published on 03/24/2020

The People Respond

The people that have lost family members who served are often isolated when it comes to their grief and cannot find a place where they can support one another. William’s post then became a meeting place for those who had also lost loved ones on the battlefield, empathizing with the grieving policeman. One individual commented that he had also lost his son during the Iraqi war in 2004. He was one of many parents that had lost sons and daughters.

The People Respond

The People Respond



William was moved by the world’s responses, becoming overcome by their support. He received a mixture of gratitude from users, as well as being flooded with similar experiences. What was supposed to simply be a warm expression of gratitude evolved into a meeting place where those affected by war could share their stories of loss. So many people were getting so much support that they desperately needed. William had initiated a new level of expression.

