A young gentleman received the fright of his life while innocently going about his business when he suddenly became aware of a police vehicle following him. The police officer soon asked him to pull over. But why?? He hadn’t done anything wrong. Where would this all lead? Although the police are also protectors of the people there have been many stories about police brutality or corruption. No one could blame him for growing anxious… What exactly did this officer want from him?
Nerve Tingling
There is nothing more upsetting or frightening than discovering that a cop car is tailing you. When those blue and red lights flash into your car, you know that you are in for an uncomfortable experience and waste of time. Being sure that they are about to pull you over is truly frightening, especially if an expensive ticket is on its way. This is sadly a frequent event, where seemingly harmless individuals are stopped for mysterious reasons.

Nerve Tingling
Exceptional Circumstances
We generally experience fear almost instantly when we have an unexpected encounter with the law. While most of us do our best to be law-abiding citizens, police investigations sometimes occur due to unexpected reasons, and we often don’t know where they are leading. It doesn’t help that many police officers love to keep us in the dark and will offer little comfort. William Jazwinski was one individual who experienced a particularly surprising encounter with a cop.

Exceptional Circumstances