Those Precious Memories
As the media crew was about to pass the old lady her possessions, the cameras were ready to capture the incredible exchange. As the media crew introduced themselves to Betty, they informed the woman that Pastor Seth was eager to personally deliver the wallet to her. Once Betty received her wallet from her long-past youth, she was overcome with emotion, a bitter-sweet mixture of excitement and nostalgia. It must have been incredible seeing something so important from your youth again.

Those Precious Memories
In The End
The team passed Betty the wallet, which was more like a time capsule than anything. Betty could not hide her fascination with the objects, and seeing pictures of herself as a young woman must have been incredible. She was so grateful to Pastor Seth for having brought this personal treasure to her directly, and the part that KSDK News played. After all this time, Betty was finally going to get her perhaps long-forgotten wallet back and the precious memories that it contained.

In The End