Betty Sisson Joins
Pastor Seth’s post was making the digital rounds and many thousands of people were commenting. Some were claiming to be related to the people that the pastor had listed. But were they being honest? We all know how much people love to lie on the internet. It was now time to ask the question again: was this going to be a fruitful pursuit? Things were about to take a turn when a lady called Betty Sisson contacted Seth.

Betty Sisson Joins
A Highschool Graduate
Betty Sisson began a conversation with Pastor Seth where she informed the pastor that she attended Centralia High School and graduated in 1947. Upon graduating, Betty migrated to Chesterfield, Missouri, which was around 90 miles away from Centralia High School. The KSDK journalists were thrilled that someone relevant had finally contacted Seth, and with his permission, began tracking Betty down. They managed to find the elderly lady, who was finally returned her wallet that she lost as a child many years ago.

A Highschool Graduate