Amazing Condition
Betty finally held in her hands that wallet that she had parted ways with so many years ago. She could not believe how old it looked, and how many years it had been away from her. Betty couldn’t help but laugh happily as she looked through the wallet’s contents. The wallet had originally been bright red in color, but the years had turned it a rusty brown! Despite having been kept in good condition, the wallets’ covers had faded over the many years.

Amazing Condition
Young Love
Everyone present in Betty’s home was delighted and touched to see her so emotional as she looked through her old wallet. She carefully took out every item and laid them down on her coffee table. One of the first things to come out was a picture of a girl and boy. Betty’s eyes softened as she looked at the young couple, saying that the young boy was called Jimmy Kane. Betty was the girl, of course, and she said that she used to carry this picture around with her everywhere.

Young Love