Social Media Search
Making their way to the police would be a wasted effort for Seth and his team, as this crime had been committed so long ago that it would be a futile pursuit. Seth was going to have to rely on his Facebook post to get some answers. To make things easier for everyone, he provided the young women’s maiden names, which he obtained from their ID cards. He was hoping that some distant connection of the people in question would see the post.

Social Media Search
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Pastor Seth listed eight women’s names in the hopes that someone would recognize them and know where they were, or at least their surviving relatives. If someone had any information, then they could contact Seth directly and help him to retrieve the wallet to its rightful owner. The fact that this post was being shared by thousands of people made Seth very hopeful. In total, the original post would be shared more than five thousand times! Seth had never expected that it would go so viral. But would it reach the right people?

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