Couple Embarks On DIY Adventure After Mistakenly Winning Auction Bid For Old Manor

Published on 05/20/2021

Towing The Caravan

Once a path to the house had been cleared, a friend helped them to tow their caravan closer than they had been throughout the entire renovation. They were now going to be located right next to the manor, making it easier for them to pop back and forth during the course of the day. Later, they would move it to a spot where they could see horses and deer running around in the neighboring fields. Although they were stressed, it was still a picturesque location.

Towing The Caravan

Towing The Caravan


Camping Woes

As the months wore on, the couple got frustrated with the camping process. Although it had been a novelty at the beginning, the changing weather and damp conditions started to wear on their patience a little bit. It didn’t help when they had to cook outdoors during wet and cold days. Luckily for them, as the manor started to become more habitable, they would slowly be able to move indoors over time. This was all a part of the bigger process

Camping Woes

Camping Woes