Couple Embarks On DIY Adventure After Mistakenly Winning Auction Bid For Old Manor

Published on 05/20/2021

Turning To The Stream

When the neighbors weren’t home to help with their washing, Claire decided to take matters into her own hands. As those who came before her had done, she opted to try and wash the clothes in one of the streams nearby. When the sun was out, they would dry fairly quickly, but considering the climate, she sometimes had to scramble to make sure that the clothes wouldn’t be soaked by a thunderstorm! All in a day’s work.

Turning To The Stream

Turning To The Stream


Quick Thinking

Claire wasn’t the only quick thinking person. Cal showed that he could improvise well too, especially when it came to how they prepared the food for mealtime each day. The kitchen in the manor was not functional yet, so he decided to build a temporary kitchen outside, in order for them to make their three daily meals. It wasn’t inside the caravan, so their possessions didn’t get ruined by the smoke from frying food either. Claire appreciated this a lot.

Quick Thinking

Quick Thinking