Couple Embarks On DIY Adventure After Mistakenly Winning Auction Bid For Old Manor

Published on 05/20/2021

On The Edge

If the front wall collapsed, it was likely that other parts of the house would collapse shortly after too. This was a scary situation not only in terms of the structure of the house itself, but also because Claire and Cal would be in danger if this happened while they were there. Luckily, they soon realized that timbers were pushing it out, meaning they had other ways of rescuing the structure of the building without having to start over entirely.

On The Edge

On The Edge


A Long Way Off

The couple realised that they were a while away from finishing the project from time to time. Some days ended up being a little longer than they needed to be. Take the day that their washing machine broke, for instance. As it turns out, the Scottish mud was too much for the electrical appliance. As a result, they had to depend on the neighbors to help them hand wash their clothes after a long day of working.

A Long Way Off

A Long Way Off