Couple Embarks On DIY Adventure After Mistakenly Winning Auction Bid For Old Manor

Published on 05/20/2021

Scaffolding Aplenty

After getting more comfortable with the idea of working from a height, Claire decided that she wanted to conquer her fear for good by helping Cal and some other people with erecting scaffolding around the house. Although she was wearing a safety harness, she still had to go up quite high into the air, and it wasn’t easy for her to work through her anxiety. Never one to shy away from a challenge, at the end of the day she handled it with grace and poise.

Scaffolding Aplenty

Scaffolding Aplenty


The Front Wall

The scaffolding was not only there for aesthetic reasons. It was crucial to this particular project, because of the issues with the front wall of the house. Like we’ve mentioned, it had begun to sink into the ground when they first got there. In order to avoid a total collapse, Claire and Cal had to do what they could to salvage as much of it as possible, in order not to have to start from scratch with the build after so much work had gone into it already.

The Front Wall

The Front Wall