Couple Embarks On DIY Adventure After Mistakenly Winning Auction Bid For Old Manor

Published on 05/20/2021

Dreaming of the Future

At the end of this renovation, the couple wanted to be able to transform the manor into three different apartments. The idea was to sell two of them, in order to pay back all the debt they had accumulated in the process. They wanted a third unit to be able to live in, hoping that the estate would be lively enough with three different inhabitants in the various flats. Hopefully, the renovation would go according to plan.

Dreaming Of The Future

Dreaming Of The Future


Keeping Perspective

It’s easy to imagine that anybody who made a bid on a property they didn’t want would do whatever they could to get out of the deal. Cal and Claire took a different view. Sure, they hadn’t gotten the home they had planned to work on. With a little bit of perspective, they began to see it as a happy accident. They knew they had to make the most of the situation, aware the groveling about it wasn’t going to help them get out of their problems in any way.

Keeping Perspective

Keeping Perspective