The Thief
Lydia comforted herself in her grief by retelling this daring story, like something out of a fairytale. She had always loved this tale, even as a young child when her mother had first told it to her, as it made her mother seem so courageous and daring. Lydia wanted to be just like her mother, and to always keep that rebellious and indomitable spirit. But was this story foolproof, or had Sara omitted some details? Lydia was bound to get the full account someday…

The Thief
Nothing But The Truth
Sara had kept that ring on from the moment that she had swiped it and kept it as a memento of her courage and heroism against the face of such a mean bully. Now, it was Lydia’s turn to wear it, and she would keep it as a sentimental memento of her beloved mom. As for the rest of the belongings, they ended up disappearing, or were sold. Not that there was that much to sell or lose in the first place.

Nothing But The Truth