The Heartless Boss
Whenever Sara so much as stepped out of line of the old woman’s stringent cleaning demands, she would lash out violently at Sara. The first time that it happened, Sara came close to walking out the door there and then. But she knew that she could not quit as she only had this cruel woman as a client at the time. Money was tight, and Sara could not afford to shut her only source of income down. Regardless, the abuse was starting to have a horrible effect on the small Sara.

The Heartless Boss
Sara In Darkness
No matter how badly this evil old woman treated Sara, she was always hunting for new work and never gave up on bettering her situation. It did not take her too long to find a different home to be employed within, and the moment that she found out that she had the job, she quit the abusive environment that she had been trapped in for so long in an instant. But she did not leave without snatching something from the old hag’s property – a dazzling ring that she came across on her way out.

Sara In Darkness