A Trip In Time
The unlikely pair discovered a whole load of buried treasure when they carried on uncovering it with the clutter inside the safe. When EvilEnglish looked closer at the coins, it was like he was being taken on a trip through history. It soon appeared like the majority of the safe’s contents had been created centuries ago!

A Trip In Time
EvilEnglish realized that the safe’s contents were certainly costly. Of course, his grandparents wouldn’t have stuffed this secret spot with junk. EvilEnglish became particularly taken with a book filled with coins from 1937. Although he was new to valuable currency, he was assured that this collection would fetch a handsome price.
Vintage Currency Fanatics
As the Redditor continued heaving out the old currency out the safe, he remembered just how fascinated his grandparents had been with coins. This investment in minting started seeming like an obsession as he and Tim unearthed thousands of pennies. A grin started spreading on EvilEnglish’s face when he considered his grandparents’ love for coinage, this heavy pile formed out of international money.

Vintage Currency Fanatics
The Redditor and the locksmith discovered plenty of later minted coins, as well as many which appeared to be phenomenally rare. Tragically, there was much which could not be salvaged…