Abandon Ship
Despite some of the contents being ruined by water damage from a leak in the roof, the majority of the coins made it out. Although the moisture had rotted the coin books, the actual metal discs were in amazingly fine condition. They were overwhelmed with just how many coins had been unburied, many being held in plastic rolls, with others sadly kept in paper ones.

Abandon Ship
The looters also discovered a huge amount of dollars bills, but they were sadly far beyond repair thanks to the effects of being soaked. Despite uncovering a lot of secret goodies in this safe, EvilEnglish was saddened to have to trash the bills.
The Unique Signature
Although most of the bills had suffered too much rot to be presentable, EvilEnglish dug up plenty of valuables which may have been sellable. These included bills signed by none other than 1968’s Secretary of Treasury!

The Unique Signature
As pictured above, you can clearly see the penned signature on this note. This discovery was even more significant due to how this particular secretary had only filled the role for around a month! To his great joy, the Redditor discovered a veritable goldmine! The special notes were just the tip of the priceless iceberg, as the treasure hunters would soon discover…