What Kind Of Concealed Weapon Made These Bullies Think Again?

Published on 06/09/2020


It was just a normal day. After school was finished for the day, Joey headed off to the park as he normally did. Little did he know that a gang of ruffians had had the same idea that day. Joey considered the playground a place where he could be left in peace to run around, playing ball with his dog, and not be tormented by groups of older boys that had mayhem on their minds.




Being Antagonized

Although he was a relatively happy soul, Joey needed a way to express how the intimidation was affecting him. Thankfully, there is a place where anyone can safely and anonymously express themselves. As an avid user of forums on the internet, he had described to others how the bullying had made him sad, afraid, and lowered his self-esteem. He admitted that he did not know how to handle the situation he was in and begged his antagonizers to stop their persecution of him.

Being Antagonized

Being Antagonized