What Kind Of Concealed Weapon Made These Bullies Think Again?

Published on 06/09/2020

Joey’s Happy Place

As is common with many people, this little boy did not know how to deal with the unwanted attention he got from some school bullies.  They were loud and cruel while he was kind and sweet. When he was at the park, he did not expect to cross paths with the rascals who made his school day so awful. So when a group of these annoying boys showed up that afternoon, he knew something would have to be done.

Joeys Happy Place

Joeys Happy Place


Fun Became Horror

Young Joey lived in Toronto, Canada, and had been having run-ins with bullies at school since he was four years old. No human being should have to be attacked by the meaner folks in their environment, let alone from such a young age. As a result, he preferred his own company and that of his pets, to other boys. He had learned that people were best avoided. This got even worse when he moved school.

Fun Became Horror

Fun Became Horror