Dad Steps In
He knew that it was time to put an end to this victimization. The ruffians would not know that the man behind the tree knew Joey. His presence here today was serendipitous and Joey would not be scoffed at as they would not know that this man was his dad. In this way, the bullies could not hold the fact that Joey had been rescued by his dad, something that bullies love to bully their victims even further about.

Dad Steps In
Appearing from behind the tree, Joey’s dad asked the hoodlums what was going on. As the boys froze, Joey ran over to where his ball lay to pick it up. The ruffians were mute with surprise and had no reply to the much larger man. Suddenly, they had realized that there was always a bigger fish in the sea. That lasted only a few seconds as they remembered their objective and tried to con the man into thinking they were innocent.
