No Letting Up
The older boy was not satisfied with upsetting the younger boy and kept the ball out of Joey’s reach, taunting him with the fact that he would never give it back. The watcher behind the tree saw all of this unfold before him, but he was still undecided as to how to act. What was stopping Joey’s dad from acting? This was a far more sensitive situation than it appeared, as Joey’s dad could have appeared to be attacking the boys if he acted too rashly.

No Letting Up
Help Arrives
As he watched, Joey’s dad became more and more incensed. But he could not strike yet, as he had a plan in mind. He had to catch the bullies in the act if he was to justify his actions. He let the hooligans carry on allowing them some rope that they would no doubt hang themselves on. As he watched he saw one of the bigger boys lob the ball far away from his son.

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