She’ll Pass
After watching the dog for some time, and doing her best to speak sweetly and lovingly to the cowering animal. She then decided that he would not react with aggression, and began making her approach. Getting close to the dog had Loreta pulling back a little after she started crying, literally like a human. The shrill and agonized sound was enough to break anyone’s heart. Undoubtedly, the dog was scared of humans and naturally terrified.

She Will Pass
First Time Experiencing This
Hope For Paws made a YouTube post with the crying pup, and at first, they thought she was hurt, but it was her fear of humans that made her cry like that. You can find the video under the title ‘Homeless German Shepherd cries like a human! I have never heard anything like this!!!’ The proof of the cry is there! You might wonder what kind of monster would abuse, terrify, or attack a dog, but out on the streets, there are few rules.

First Time Experiencing This