Not Trusting Humans
It was clear the poor animal had some trust issues for humans, so she hid under a van to avoid all contact with them. All manner of terrible things could have happened to the poor animal, from being abused by cruel people, to being chased by other stray dogs. All in all, the animal was in a pitiful state. Loreta had to try and use the food she had to get her a little closer but still unwilling to come out.

Not Trusting Humans
Approaching With Care
The dog was scared obviously, so Loreta knew she had to approach with care and caution in hopes the poor dog wouldn’t run away. Also, they wanted not to cause her to get violent as they got closer. Although many people will have nothing but good intentions when they try to rescue stray dogs, it is vitally important that we remember that many of them might be in a panicked or angry state, and will react violently to our approach.

Approaching With Care