Filled With Tension
If the rescuers believed that Rain was going to come with them calmly when they saw signs of her calming down, the situation would soon change. While they were leading Rain to the car, and she was cooperating, it was clear her body language spelled everything tense and filled with grief and emotion. She was pretty jumpy and relentless, thinking they would hurt her. It seemed like Rain was cooperating more out of fear than hope.

Filled With Tension
Having Drawbacks
She wasn’t giving in so easily as she needed to make sure they were taking her to safety while leading her to the cage they would carry her in. It was essential that Rain be properly secured so that she could not run away again, but was this going to be feasible given her current state? They wanted to do a vet assessment to make sure she was okay and, of course, bathe her as she badly needed one.

Having Drawbacks