Still Coward and Shy
Even though progress was coming on, it was evident. Rain was still cowardly and unsettled. At different intervals, when they thought she was okay, they would hear her give out a loud whimper and shy away. This dog was not just going to simply give in to these strange humans and trust them with her life. She was so used to humans being cruel that it would take a long time for her to be convinced that animals on two legs are friends.

Still Coward And Shy
While still showing signs of timidity, Rain allowed Eldad to pet her as she slowly lightened up to the two. A change was dawning for the dog, and she was starting to realize that maybe, she was finally in safe hands. It was huge progress, especially knowing she didn’t want them to come near her. The dog also allowed them the opportunity to lead her to their car. Was she going to happily go with them?
