The Tail
In the end, the rescuers were convinced that the tail was a clear signal that though she was giving in and starting to trust her rescuers, she was still fearful and terrified about the whole thing. She was also still quivering and crying. Can you imagine being so terrified and upset that even when you are in safe hands, the fear continues to drive you to hysterics? It was clear that above all else, Rain’s mental health would need the most attention.

The Tail
Growing Progress
As the dog came out slowly, Eldad added another leash to increase their safety and gently petted her head to give her the reality that she was safe. The dog surprisingly accepted the strokes from Eldad and decided to go into the cage. It is amazing how a lifetime of abuse can so quickly be rectified with a bit of tender loving care. Of course, Rain was far from calm, but at least her hysterical state was starting to calm.

Growing Progress