Ridges On Coins
Unless you are a proud coin collector, you likely have no idea why some coins have ridges on them while others do not. It does seem a bit odd that dimes and quarters both have rough edges while pennies and nickels do not. The purpose behind the ridges is to prevent anyone from shaving the edges off of their coins in attempts to make new ones. The design came about back in the day when people would likely consider such an odd method of ‘making’ money.

Ridges On Coins
Loops On Grocery Carts
While grocery carts are obviously designed to hold as many items as possible, you may not be aware that the fold-out section actually contains loops that there for an entirely impressive reason. Rather than risking some items being squashed by others inside the cart, you can use these loops to hang certain things. All the more reason to be utterly impressed with the design of something as simple as a grocery cart! And please remember to return your shopping carts when you finish packing your groceries into your car.

Loops On Grocery Carts