Plastic Disks In Bottle Caps
That little plastic disk underneath bottle caps may seem quite useless although these seemingly unnecessary objects actually help your drink stay carbonated for longer. While we are not entirely sure of the science behind the fact; these disks can prevent your fizzy drink from losing its fizz. This is essential for the long storage of soda drinks, whose entire appeal is the fizz. No one wants to pop open a bottle of their favorite soda, only to find that its gas has leaked out.

Plastic Disks In Bottle Caps
Tab At The Bottom Of Rearview Mirrors
While we all know what rearview mirrors are for not everyone is entirely sure of the purpose behind the little tab at the bottom of the rearview mirror. The small tab is actually there to help you re-position the mirror when needed, especially when being blinded by the headlights behind you, you can just feel for the tab. The little tab will work its magic to reflect the sharp light, thus allowing you to see what is going on behind you.

Tab At The Bottom Of Rearview Mirrors