Discover The Superfoods That Can Unclog Your Arteries And Prevent Heart Attacks!

Published on 05/19/2019


Vitamin C
Vitamin B6

The second best to broccoli is its white look-alike, cauliflower. Even though cauliflower is not as wonderful as broccoli, you should definitely still add it to your diet because it really can help your heart. This vegetable is great for maintaining strong bones and stomach conditions and it is also packed with fiber. Cauliflower may be second best, but it is still a fantastic superfood that belongs in everyone’s diet.



Cauliflower can be used to create amazing vegan and gluten-free pizza bases.


Dragon Fruit

Vitamin C

There is so much more to this super fruit than its uniquely intriguing name! dragon fruit made it to this list because it contains phytonutrients, polyunsaturated fats, antioxidants, and a ton of vitamins that can offer amazing benefits for your heart and your immune system.

Dragon Fruit

Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit might be a bit difficult to track down if you don’t live in a tropical part of the world. If you are lucky enough to live near to a market that sells Asian fruit, why not visit?