Sweet Potato
Vitamin C
Sweet potatoes may be a bit difficult to find as not all grocery stores stock them. Because sweet potatoes are packed with potassium and other great nutrients, they can help to keep your heartbeat regular and treat high blood pressure.
Sweet potatoes are brimming with a healthy kind of fiber that is gentle of the tummy, that you can get your gut health flowing smoothly again if you are having trouble. Just pop them in an oven for about an hour!
Vitamin C
Vitamin B
Most nuts are great for improving heart health because they contain omega-3 fatty acids. Walnuts are no exception to this fact. Snacking on walnuts is a great way to keep your cholesterol levels and your blood pressure healthy! Again, in MODERATION!
Walnuts are so phenomenally good for humans that a whole annual convention has been dedicated to them that takes place at the University of California. Here, health experts, doctors, and scientists convene to discuss their findings.