Teaching The Basics
Leaving a note for someone can also be an opportunity to teach them a life lesson. Many people love telling others what to do, and in the next example, the words “Parking 101” get that across right away. Any opportunity to teach also goes right out the window when you say “I assume you suck at life” alongside the class. To be fair, parking in front of someone’s driveway is one of the most inconsiderate things that one can do as a driver.
Anger Management Please
While the occasional f-bomb can help to get your point across, this next note took it to another level. We get it, you’re angry. Nobody likes listening to a car alarm go off all the time, but it’s not like the person is doing it on purpose. A quick conversation may have provided a faster solution here. The fury expressed in this note is indicative of a wary mind pushed far past its sanity by the constant blaring of alarms.