If You Have Ever Found A Dryer Sheet Within A Mailbox, This Is Why It’s There

Published on 07/30/2021

Insect Warfare

Strickley expressed his anger at having to deal with these stinging invaders. He will sometimes place his hand within the mailbox, oblivious to the new thorny residents, who do not take kindly to unwelcome visitors. Strickley claims to have been stung ten times in 2020 on separate occasions. Ouch! We might never have considered that being a mailman is a particularly dangerous occupation, but for those with was or bee allergies, a sting is not just a painful shock.

Insect Warfare

Insect Warfare


Stinging Season

You might then be wondering when yellowjackets are most likely to shack up inside your mailbox. Spring and summer are the most popular seasons for nesting yellowjackets. The fierce heat of these sunny seasons forces yellowjackets into cooler shelters. These beautifully scary insects love mailboxes in particular, as they are safe and shaded dens. You can imagine that a mailbox would be a great hideout for any little creature. Coming back to the dryer sheet method – how do they help?

Stinging Season

Stinging Season