When Do We Tell Them?
Fiona recalls that she shrieked when she first learned the news, confirming to Kay that the blonde boy in the photo was actually her son Ed. It was simply unbelievable and both women were emotional at the startling discovery. Upon further investigation, more pictures emerged, bringing with them even more joy. Everything that they needed to prove their historical connection was there, and they were thrilled. This was such a rare and extraordinary process for anyone!

When Do We Tell Them
Sharing The News
Once they had told Ed and Heidi, as well as the rest of the family, everyone was nothing short of amused by this bizarre and wonderful scenario. Heidi said that she was inherently changed the day she found out they had connected as children. One may wonder how the two forgot each other when they had such a strong connection, but considering that they were just kids, it is easy to understand how they drifted apart.

Sharing The News