Popularity Strikes
It is believed that Chumlee needed to bring along a bodyguard during public appearances as a result of his incredible popularity. You can imagine that given his enormous following and distinctive appearance, that he would often be swarmed by overzealous fans. He was a pop culture icon within a thriving show. We are sure that Chumlee is asked for hugs on a regular basis! It seems after dropping out of high school, he made it after all!

Popularity Strikes
Lime Light
Initially, Chumlee thrived in all the attention from the public. He even went on to launch his very own line of personalized merchandise. His co-stars seemed to catch on to the brilliant idea and soon followed suit. Would you buy a Chumlee bobblehead? Do you think that it looks like him? We wonder whether Chumlee merchandise will be worth much in the future, and if there are intrepid Chumlee collectors out there! We would love to see what else is in the line.

Lime Light