Chumlee’s Scandal; Exclusive Behind The Scenes Of Pawn Stars

Published on 09/16/2019

Ongoing Faults

Despite his uncanny ability to lighten everyone’s mood, Chumlee also had a knack for making mistakes. Long before the show was aired, he decided to store a client’s stand-up bass by leaning it against a shelf. The terrible decision resulted in roughly a $20,000 estimated loss as the item broke when it fell. Why anyone would prop up such an expensive item so foolishly only Chumlee will ever know, but it is one of many examples of his absent-minded approach to work life.

Making Many Mistakes

Ongoing Faults


A Reputation For Mistakes

While his co-stars find it quite amusing to mock him for his mistakes, the show seems to exhibit a constant for this uncanny trait of his. However, this is likely the reason so many fans adore him. As well as something that makes good television. You then see the reason why, despite Chumlee’s costly habit of breaking things or fumbling deals, he was kept on as such a central character on the show and in the pawnshop.

Popularity For His Mishaps

A Reputation For Mistakes