Remove the Temporary Support Beams
Always with projects like this, safety is of paramount importance. It would be silly to not take precautions to ensure the bunker is safe and secure. Since you are spending so much anyway, it simply doesn’t pay to take shortcuts.

Remove The Temporary Support Beams
Once the concrete had dried, it was time to finally remove the support beams that had been temporarily keeping the roof secure. All those cinderblocks were not for show, after all, they all helped to make a stable foundation for the bunker.
Filling in the Soil
When the bunker was done, Wayne filled in the spaces with some high-end soil to avoid having the bunker in the middle of the yard in a dirt pit. Now, when the whole bunker is finished, he can go back and put some plants in to help it to blend in and recover some yard space.

Filling In The Soil
After having such a giant hole in the middle of the yard, these efforts make it look like the huge hole was never there! It certainly doesn’t look like there is a great big bunker under there.